A Zoom Meeting for the 7 Days Show
Tonight, April 25, at 6 pm EDT Here's the link; https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81165962803?pwd=SnUvWThhdE5rTGk2OURDWENKS1Nkdz09 We'll chat for...
A Zoom Meeting for the 7 Days Show
A SPECIAL TREAT, April 22, 2021
One More Thing!
The Last of the 7 Days and an Artists Talk
"Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning."
Happy Ramadan, Happy Passover, Happy Easter
One More Day of 7 Days
Thoughts on a Troubling and Chronic Issue
I have a lot to talk about
2 Projects; 7 Days and The Bottlecaps
Signs of Spring!
Happy Valentine's Day
Two shows and some reworked work
Giacometti, Arthur and Rothko
Two Exhibitions
The New Year
Now Announcing!