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Two Exhibitions

I have two great shows coming up. One I'm participating in and one I'm the godmother for.

The first is a New York Artists Circle show titled

City Life:Captured, Seen and Unseen

curated by Lori Horowitz and Kathleen Migliore-Newton

Creating a collage of City Life, Lori Horowitz and Kathleen Migliore-Newton selected 25 artworks representing various viewpoints. In the choreography of the street one can maintain privacy or reach for connection. Avoidance v. interaction,Anonymity vs. Recognition: cultural signals, economic differences and social issues are woven into this vast sea of humanity.

It will be online with a Zoom opening on Monday, February 6th. I'll be telling you more as the time approaches and I hope you join us.

The second, beginning this Sunday, January 22nd, sponsored by Art at First in the Great Hall Gallery at First Presbyterian Church is

Spiritual Travellers

Curated by Max Kornfield, this exhibit features work created as a visual expression of the artists' spirituality or reflection on their religious heritage. These works are from different spiritual systems and cultural histories--geographically, from around the United States, India, Pakistan, and Turkey, with unseen roots of personal experience and cultural history, from established Christian and Islamic religions as well as alternative mystical and magical practices in the West and East.

Max and classmate, Julia Colletes, hung the show yesterday. It can be a daunting task but these two were anything but daunted. I had a little fun with the pictures I took of them at work.

three images of two artists
Hanging Art Work

I used to tell my High School students that the art life includes quite a bit of physical labor. They would groan if I asked them to help move paintings but they had to learn that working together to make something terrific is a great way to make friends.

Showing one's work, showing up when your friends show their work, meeting other artists and talking about the work, maybe drinking a little wine--it's a beautiful part of the life. I'm finding that it involves a lot of clerical work, not my core competency, but it's worth it.

I hope you'll show up to share in this event-- that's

Sunday, January 22nd,

noon til 4

at 12 West 12th Street

There will be wine.

January 19, 2023

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